Let’s say you have some unplanned time coming up soon. Then let’s say you have a camera with a close-focusing lens. Sounds like the run-up to a good time, right? Well what would be an interesting, yet challenging subject to photograph? Out of everything you may have thought of, what I’m about to propose probably didn’t make the cut and won’t appear on your list of suggestions. Here it is: Look for plants or flowers that have more than one color going at the same time. I’ll add more of these multi-color, single-shot subjects when the opportunity arises. In the meantime, start looking.
About Jack
A classically trained musician since childhood, Jack Carlson always had the “ear” of an artist. It was only a short step to develop the artist’s “eye” as well.
The portfolio of this certified photographer reveals images that emphasize mood and composition. Their purpose is to present a feeling in addition to portrayal of person, place or thing. Sometimes that feeling is nostalgia; other times it is serenity.
Each photograph tells a story.