I was at the Chicago Botanic Garden (CBG) quite recently to get new pictures for the Documenting Nature class that begins this Saturday (4.20). On the bridge that’s just outside the Visitor Center I happened to look at the ground near the water and saw a goose that seemed to be rather comfortably nesting in the grass. I decided to add the 70-200mm lens to the camera bag before leaving the Camera Clubhouse and that turned out to be a fine decision. While you shouldn’t always pack every piece of camera gear you own, it helps to know what to expect at a photo venue so the most appropriate focal length lens will make the trip.
The next 5 Saturdays mornings will find us documenting nature in many forms and will be a wonderful time to be out with a camera. Yes, there’s still time (and room) for you to join us. The class is listed in the photography section of the adult classes at chicagobotanic.org.