Thanks to student suggestions, we’re able to offer the new Intermediate Digital Photo Classes on both Tuesdays or Sundays. This will be a great opportunity to fine tune both your eye and your camera settings to get the shots you’ve wanted. We’ll explore the light/time relationship in the camera, and take time to identify appropriate subjects. Once found, we will concentrate on using lead lines and ways to create visual frames. What a great new challenge in a wonderful setting.
Tuesday Class: March 18,25 and April 1 8am to 12 noon, Design Studio
Sunday Class: March 9,16,23,30 1 – 4 pm, Plant Science Lab (Regenstein Center)
There’s only one way to register for either class: Call Denise at 847.835.8364. These classes are not listed on the CBG website. There’s a 6 student minimum to get the band back together, so tell your friends.