HI Everyone,
Remember when September 16th seemed like months away? Well now that’s it’s only a bit over 1 week out, I thought it would be appropriate to send a reminder about the 5-week format Intermediate class. Each meeting has been extended by 30 minutes to cover the complete 18 hours of course material. Here’s the 5-week syllabus:
Intermediate Photography, 9-12:30, Sept. 16 – Oct. 14 (5 Sundays)
Sept. 16 Selecting and Focusing on the Subject
23 Those Lines: Are You Leading Me On?
30 Focusing on Frames
Oct 14 Composition
21 Getting it all Together, with a Browniefest, of course
Let’s get the band back together–join us if you can–as we use those camera settings while exploring other parts of the garden in early autumn.
As always, there are 3 Ways to Register:
1. Call 847.835.8261
2. Visit www.chicagobotanic.org/education
3. Membership and Info Desk staff are now able to take registrations during periods of relative calm.
Email any questions to me before class. Hope to see you soon.