I (very) recently learned that Igor, my friend and master printer/owner of the VIP Photo/Video Lab in Park Ridge, IL (www.Vipprolabandvideo.com) processes and prints 120 film in addition to digital and 35mm. Since I just happen to (still) have a medium format camera here at the olde camera clubhouse, I ordered some print film from B+H. Yes, shooting film will certainly raise the “shoot and hope” level on the acceptability of the resulting images. Yes, shooting film will take me into the photo “slow lane” which will require more thought, effort and time but who cares? The resulting images will be negatives that are 2.7 times larger than 35mm so I’ll be able to have Igor print large size images without problems. This medium-format film camera has a fixed 60mm lens which is equivalent to 37mm focal length (in 35mm) which will be just fine. For details on this camera, check out Fuji GA645i. I’ll let you know how it’s going. In the meantime:
Do something new in ’22. Shoot film!