Title: Get All Your Ducks in a Row (Click on image to see entire family)
Here’s the story behind this image:
I was at the Chicago Botanic Garden last summer taking pictures for a class Powerpoint. Walking down close to the water on the west side of the garden allowed me to use more of the shore as a lead-line into the shot. In the midst of composing the image, I thought I heard a slight sound of water moving. Turning around, I saw this happy family. Fortunately the lens I was using at the time was long enough to crop out much of the water around the duck family. This is a black/white shot only because the camera was left in that mode from its previous use. A good thing since time (and duck families) wait for no photographer. Tech Stuff: 180mm, ISO 100, f4 @ 1/125th second. NOTE: This image is available for sale at $125. It is mounted on Foamcore and has been matted in black, no frame. Please contact me if you would like to purchase it at the conclusion of the exhibit. P.S. I know these are really geese, not ducks. Oh, well.