Title: “Pansy Faces.” Here’s the story behind this image: Late on a gray Tuesday afternoon, I found myself walking down the main street in the highly-visited (i.e. overly touristy) Cotswold town of Broadway. Wanting to escape the coach loads of visitors that were beginning to swarm around the shops, I ducked down a small walkway between two buildings. Someone had thought to add a bit of color and interest to a window ledge. The light was flat but I liked the color and differences in texture and was able to grab this shot. Tech Stuff: 28mm, f3.5 @ 125th, ISO 200. NOTE: This image is available for purchase at $125. It is mounted on Foamcore and matted in black. Please contact me for availability at the conclusion of the exhibition.
About Jack
A classically trained musician since childhood, Jack Carlson always had the “ear” of an artist. It was only a short step to develop the artist’s “eye” as well.
The portfolio of this certified photographer reveals images that emphasize mood and composition. Their purpose is to present a feeling in addition to portrayal of person, place or thing. Sometimes that feeling is nostalgia; other times it is serenity.
Each photograph tells a story.