Yes, you can put your heart into photography.
I went to the Chicago Botanic Garden yesterday to check out photo venues for the Winter in Black and White class that begins this Saturday, February 1. We’re going to Waterfall Hill so I just had to stroll around both the top and bottom of it. Someone had ventured out on the ice that surrounds the first island in the Japanese Garden and created a giant heart with footprints. Wouldn’t all of us like to know more about both the “artist” and the intended recipient of the heart? Would have been nice to move the heart, but no one seemed to be in need of a transplant–at least when I was there.
If you’re into camera settings, here’s what I used: f7.1 at 600, ISO 400 (a bit too high but I had no camera support), 62mm focal length and +/- setting of +.7 to brighten snow. Remember: When it’s bright, add light.
Why not join us for the Winter in B+W class. We meet at CBG on 3 Saturday mornings from 9-12 noon. To register visit chicagobotanic.org/adult ed. Find the Photography section and scroll down to the class listing. A few places are still available. Class is limited to DSLR or Miorrorless cameras.