Always a really fun photo time, Urban Photography finds us at the CBG for week 1. The next 3 weeks will have us at exploring Chinatown, Millennium Park, or Michigan Avenue with cameras. We’ll return to The Garden on week 5 to enjoy student images from all previous 4 weeks while enjoying a Browniefest, of course.
Please Note: This class involves lots of walking and includes several sets of stairs that must be climbed to reach the Chicago Water Taxi docks. Consider this before enrolling in the class. Also, class is strictly limited to 12 students.
Urban Photography, June 12 – July 13 (5 Fridays), 10am – 1 pm
Now there are 3 Ways to Register:
1. Call 847.835.8261
2. Visit
3. Membership and Info Desk staff are now able to take registrations during periods of relative calm.