YES, it’s back: The ever-popular Painting with Light class which begins this year on November 7 and runs 4 Mondays through November 28. Many students return each year to continue the challenging fun that this class presents. While you might think that waving a flashlight over a rosebush couldn’t possibly be difficult, you will re-think that when you’re out trying to get a “keeper” shot. Each week will find us in a different spot of the Chicago Botanic Garden as we try to remember that in this class, time really is on our side. This class gives a new meaning to the concept of “ghosting.”
Here’s what I recommend for the class: your favorite lens, a portable light source (think flashlight or torch) and a sturdy tripod. Use your phone to time the amount of light.
When it’s photo time, students pair off so one is the ‘lighting director’ and the other retains the role of photographer. At some point in their time together, the pair decides to reverse roles. How well does that work? Well, this isn’t the first time we have run the class. It truly is great fun and this one fills up fast. We run only one section so get your name on the roster quickly or you may see the stars but still not see the light.
Visit to register.