No matter if it’s inside or out, photo subjects often benefit from added light. Learn how much light to add in any setting without letting viewers know you have brightened the scene. This 4-week class will spend time in several venues around the garden so you will have a chance to learn all about the flash that’s built-in to the camera and the external flash unit if you have one. Light can be shaped and bounced when added to a scene so that’s exactly what we’ll do. Learning to use flash is both challenging and rewarding, so you won’t want to miss this class. The Ins and Outs of Flash Photography, February 13 – March 6 (4 Wednesdays), 9 – 12 noon
As always, there are 3 Ways to Register:
1. Call 847.835.8261
2. Visit
3. Membership and Info Desk staff are now able to take registrations during periods of relative calm.