We’ll start this always-favorite class at the Chicago Botanic Garden by exploring the English Walled Garden with cameras. The following two weeks find us away from the CBG to investigate venues that just possibly, could resemble what you will find on a trip. Bring your DSLR or Mirrorless camera and tripod for sure. Lenses of all focal lengths are quite welcome. We will discuss filters and when to use them since there will be times when it’s good to have at least one of them. This class is always a favorite and once you’re in it, you’ll be happy you are. Class is limited to DSLR or Mirrorless Cameras. To register, visit www.chicagobotanic.org/adulted. Then scroll down to Photography and find the class. Garden and Travel Photography, June 5 – 26 (5 Wednesdays) 9-12 noon.