Welcome to the 2023 edition of Documenting Nature, the class that’s been designed to inform, intrigue and inspire you. Each of our five weeks together will find us in various parts of the garden where we explore relationships of elements in the environment. Like what, you may be wondering? Well keep reading to learn about what there is to both learn and explore. Week 1 (April 15) The Relationship of Water to Land, Week 2 (April 22) The Relationship of Plants and Flowers to Wooded Environment, Week 3 (May 6) Relationship: Growth Patterns above ground to below ground, Week 4 (May 13) Relationship of Water to Shade Growth Patterns, Week 5 (May 20) Plan, Discuss and Photograph Student Suggestions for Relationships. A list of suggested helpful items for each class will be emailed before the first class. Note: This class does not meet on April 29. Class limited to Mirrorless or DSLR cameras, and students should have a working knowledge of their camera controls.
Documenting Nature April 15 – May 20 (5 Saturdays) 9 – 12 noon at Chicago Botanic Garden