DIY Photo Challenge #1
Jack Carlson, Photography Instructor
Welcome to the first DIY Photo Challenge—the new concept that’s been designed to keep you at the top of your photo skills. Unlike class assignments, the DIY Photo Challenges have no specific due date or location so they’re perfect for those of you who are “sheltering in place” and/or “working from home.” If you would like to share the pictures with me, simply attach them to an email and send them to me. Be certain to specify the challenge number and whether you would like me to return comments about the images. Enjoy time with your camera–it’s always enjoyable.
Image 1
The subject of this image will be a single bud or branch. It will be taken in the vertical perspective, so care must be used in selecting the subject. Remember to crop out distractions by either changing the focal length, opening the aperture or moving yourself.
Image 2
A group of buds will form the subject for this vertical image. If your choice of lens is wide-angle, avoid including too much area above or below the subjects since that will only reduce their size in the frame while increasing the distraction level.
Once you have taken both pictures:
Attach both images in jpeg format to an email and send to
New Rules: 1. Images may be from any place where you encounter single and/or multiple subjects. Subjects can be from different locations. 2. No post-capture editing, it’s the same instructor.
Old Rules: 1. I know what some of you are thinking, but no dice: POST-PRODUCTION IS STILL NOT ALLOWED for the images you send. While this isn’t a structured class, the instructor remains the same, so why would this rule be eliminated? 2. Feel free to send questions/comments or a recipe for a simple cocoa cake in the note that accompanies your images.