Enrollment in this class is quickly rising, but some openings are still available. Don't miss this opportunity to photograph the natural surroundings provided by over 6 miles of trails. That's in addition to those wonderfully photogenic buildings such as the KennicottHouse, Redfield Estate, log cabin, school and Interpretive Center.Time at The Grove passes so quickly that we've … [Read more...]
NEW! Photographing Early Summer at Elawa Farm Garden – 05/31/13
Photographing Early Summer at Elawa Farm Begins May 31st.
Yes, the Early Summer class begins this Friday but there's still time to register! Don't miss this opportunity to get instruction and advice on how to photograph the natural color that's available in this photographically challenging season. Light levels, composition and camera controls are just some of the topics that we will address in each of our 4 class meetings that begin in the classroom. … [Read more...]
NEW! Know Your Camera – 05/03/13
Photographing Signs of Spring – 04/27/13
One Night Only! Glenview Public Library presents “Put WOW in Your Photos”
Boring photos? Short on time? Then save August 20th at 7 pm because this program's for you. This one hour presentation, including time for Q & A, will cover photo tips used by professional photographers to improve your shots. You may attend this presentation at no charge, but advance registration is required. Visit www.glenviewpl.org to register. This marks the second time I've been asked to … [Read more...]