The final meeting of both Friday and Sunday editions of this year's Orchid Show classes marks the end of the show and the winter season. Great fun was had by all students and that's before we got to the Browniefest during the final week. There's still a bit of time for you to get to this year's show at the Chicago Botanic Garden but time, like today's heat, is running out.Looking ahead, … [Read more...]
We’re off to the woods in Black + White
Yes, my mobility has improved to the point that I'm walking with just a (Sugar) cane and large all-terrain boot. That means I'll be able to join the students in the Black and White Winter class as they explore some of the 100 acres of the McDonald woods at the Chicago Botanic Garden. The lack of snow is a mixed blessing for photographers shooting in b + w. … [Read more...]
Winter Class is go and so am I
As of tomorrow (1.22) I'm being promoted to a giant walking boot/cast and a cane. While the boot is obviously made for walkin', Nancy Sinatra isn't involved in my new foot constraint. Should be interesting to get around with a cane and "she" already is helpful enough to have garnered the name "Sugar". On another topic, the Black and White Winter class begins on Saturday, February 3rd and … [Read more...]
Getting back to photography–one foot at a time
Many people have been wondering why ye olde website has had no attention for some time. Well, the shot of my feet should answer that. I've named the crutches Tiny and Tim. The extension reacher is, of course, named Jack. Thanks for all of your kind thoughts and wishes for my speedy recovery. The 4-hour surgery was to repair the arch in my foot and replace a ripped up tendon. All I want for … [Read more...]
Volo Bog: Quite a Success
Just a bit over 1 week ago, we made our annual class trip to the Volo Bog. We spent the morning under the guidance of the IDNR naturalist and returned to the bog after lunch. Another great time was had by all. Many students have sent pictures in response to my request.Our next class at the Volo Bog is scheduled for Thursday, November 14, 2024. If you can't wait, get out there as soon as … [Read more...]
Put some Halloween and Autumn Shots in your life
Autumn (fall sounds too painful to use, even as a season) is one of my two favorite seasons since it's all about color and change. Seems that now, seasonal color shifts on leaves can't be pin-pointed by date so one must be both vigilant and mobile to locate the where and when of tree-turning color. Halloween, however is always the same date so it's easy to begin your photo ramp up for it. As … [Read more...]