I know, it’s been some time since I updated my site. Many things have popped up which kept me away from the keyboard and you probably know what it’s like to play Wack-a-Mole. That said, I’ll be spending more time here in the camera clubhouse in the immediate future. I’ll be providing some tips for 4th of July pictures including what makes interesting subjects in a parade and how to shoot fireworks. Tell you friends.

About Jack
A classically trained musician since childhood, Jack Carlson always had the “ear” of an artist. It was only a short step to develop the artist’s “eye” as well.
The portfolio of this certified photographer reveals images that emphasize mood and composition. Their purpose is to present a feeling in addition to portrayal of person, place or thing. Sometimes that feeling is nostalgia; other times it is serenity.
Each photograph tells a story.